LView Pro. image processor

About LView Pro

About LView Pro
About LView Pro

About LView Pro

Freeware LView software was first distributed on Usenet newsgroups in the Summer of 1993. The shareware title LView Pro, a pioneer 32-bit GIF, JPEG, and BMP viewer/editor for Windows 95, became widely popular and was distributed mainly on Internet web sites, including its own site.

Numerous new versions of LView Pro were released from 1995 to 2006, the latest of which continued to be activelly sold until October of 2017, when license fees for its use were waived by the author of the software. At that time, a Google search for "lview pro" under "books" still generated over 1,000 results, with 131 mentions on PC Magazine.

We thank the countless individual users, commercial businesses, academic institutions, and government agencies who have used and funded the development of LView Pro throughout its active commercial history.

CNET / 2009 -- "Although nothing beats Photoshop, you don't have to empty your wallet to get professional results from an image editor..."

PC World - Sep 2, 2003 - The Best Software You're Not Using -- Poor Man's Photoshop

The Internet Archive - 1995 -- "LView Pro is an image file editor for Microsoft Windows 3.1, Win32s and Windows NT. It loads/saves image files in: JPEG JFIF, GIF 87a/89a, TIFF, Truevision Targa, Windows and OS/2 BMP, ZSoft's PCX, and PBMPLUS' PBM, PGM and PPM formats."

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